Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation practice with Matthew and Holly Krepps
January 15th - 17th, 2010
This workshop is designed to clarify the relationship between the five traditional techniques and the five senses, which are the basis of our ways of learning, knowing, remembering and relating. When, through sensitive practice of the techniques, the senses and their tendency to function mechanically is clearly seen, we gain a unique understanding, grounded in experience, of how sight, sound, touch, taste, smell and their by product - - emotion - - can help to transform our actions and relationships into a sacred way of moving in the world and everyday life.
January l5th-l7th
Full Weekend: $l70
Friday evening: Creating the Sacred Space. Since the beginning of civilizations, humanity has consistently expressed an urge to create altars and sacred spaces in an attempt to relate to divinity, and understand our connection to it. Hatha Yoga is an expression of that same tendency. In the ancient traditions, the altar was a special structure demarcating the central point of importance in the ritualized space. The Hatha yoga tradition also identifies and creates an altar, onto which a sacred offering is placed. However, its uniqueness lies in it being a “way of action”, rather than an external structure. This session will include discussion, and a focused asana practice as a way of action we will call “Self Remembering”.
2 hours
Saturday morning: Emotion and the Scope of Authentic Devotion. The essence of yoga is love. Authentic practice involves awakening and understanding the full breadth of our emotional potential. Even the simplest postures and techniques can bring about intense feeling that can dominate our posture and send us back into mechanical functioning. However, when understood through “right practice”, a deep emotional experience can be the offering up of the essence of who we are into the light of full consciousness or full awareness. This session will include backbends, balance postures, and visualization.
3 hours
3 hours
Saturday afternoon: The Mid-Life Crisis (at any age), Memory, Stress and the Possibility of Experiencing the New.
All the spiritual traditions suggest freedom from suffering by suggesting we: Stay in the Moment, or Be Here Now, or that we cultivate Present Centered Awareness. How do we do this in boredom, anger and all of the emotional upheavals that circumstances invite on a constant basis? Is practice the avoidance of these emotions, or is it a full and open invitation to experience them in a new way, that is the key to authentic growth? This session includes twists, and an in-depth pranayama practice related to memory function.
2 l/2 hours
All the spiritual traditions suggest freedom from suffering by suggesting we: Stay in the Moment, or Be Here Now, or that we cultivate Present Centered Awareness. How do we do this in boredom, anger and all of the emotional upheavals that circumstances invite on a constant basis? Is practice the avoidance of these emotions, or is it a full and open invitation to experience them in a new way, that is the key to authentic growth? This session includes twists, and an in-depth pranayama practice related to memory function.
2 l/2 hours

Sunday morning: Spiritual Maturity. The Awakening of Conscience. The ability to experience all thought, sensation, and emotion in relation to a given circumstance without taking a “position”, and without judgment, is conscience. In another way, to be conscientious is to simply see and recognize what is actually happening, as opposed to “thinking about” it. This session will tie together the significance of emotion, memory, and the five senses in a simple, experiential sequence of practices designed to give rise to the opportunity for experiencing the awakening of conscience.
3 hours
3 hours

Friday evening: Creating the Sacred Space
Saturday morning: Emotion and the Scope of Authentic Devotion
9:30a- 12:30p
9:30a- 12:30p
Saturday afternoon: The Mid-Life Crisis (at any age), Memory, Stress and the Possibility of Experiencing the New

Sunday morning: Spiritual Maturity – The Awakening of Conscience
10:00a- 1:00p
10:00a- 1:00p
Matthew and Holly Krepps are co-owners of Circle Yoga Shala and former owners of Barefoot Studio. Matthew is ERYT 500 with the National Yoga Alliance and has provided teacher training’s at the 200 hour level in accordance with the alliance for the past decade. Matthew and Holly travel teaching workshops and teacher trainings in the US and in Mexico. For more info about their teaching visit:
TO REGISTER, call 501-661-8005 or come by Barefoot Studio, 3515 Old Cantrell Road, Little Rock AR 72202. Workshops are also listed at
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