Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doug Keller Workshop Weekend

What an incredible weekend! The students and I are so grateful for this opportunity with Doug Keller, and cannot wait to have him back at the studio! As soon as the date is confirmed I will let you know! I joked (but was serious) with Doug that he could have brought his dog to the studio~ha! I just love his picture with his dog on his flyers & website (you can see it behind Marilyn's shoulder on the door, too).

 It makes yoga fun, such as my King Dancer standing in a 30lbs pumpkin~

Sorry to get off track! ;)......

I'd like to thank everyone that attended & helped with the workshop~it was great to meet so many new faces, and see so many familiar ones!

Again, I continue to be blessed beyond amazement with these opportunities, and am thrilled so share them with the yoga community!

Love & Hugs,