WOW! I had to capture this moment!! Twenty Three people on a storm ridden evening is amazing! (one left early for those of you counting heads LOL). I love seeing new & familiar faces in my classes, and when this many show up, its such an energy rush. This is one of the intermediate classes, and is filled with very loyal members. Many have been with Barefoot since the beginning.
At the end of every class I like to share a quote with everyone...'Thank you for letting me be your teacher, and thank you for being mine.' Its so simple, yet bold. Truth be told, we will always be learning new educational tools, AND our experiences teach us more than we sometimes realize. My students teach me plenty, and they don't even realize it. I'm incredibly blessed to be where I am right now...living my dream & passion.
Then the class asked for me to be in the picture...love camera phones! ;)
Thank you ALL for making this possible! I look forward to everything in our path :)
Love & Hugs,
PS Two of our teachers, Kim & Jim, took the class. I LOVE when instructors support one another!!