I am THRILLED to announce our next workshop at the studio!
Mind/Body Expression Class (MBE) with Katherine Shoulders of Fayetteville Athletic Club. It will be held at Barefoot Saturday, August 29, from 1-3pm. Cost is $15, and you can register in person at the studio or by phone.
A MBE Class integrates fitness with joy and playfulness, allowing room to dance, move freely, and have fun. The movement in MBE is continuous and very easy to follow. In this 90 minute class, music and movement will range from energetic to slow and meditative.
Katherine Shoulders is a mother of two teenage boys, a health club owner and a teacher. Katherine shares, " MBE is very personal to me, as it is with the evolution of the person I am today. Teaching is a way for me to connect and express my joy, stress release, and to celebrate being alive".
Katherine's teaching venues include:
Aspen Club & Spa-Aspen, CO
Golden Door at the Boulders-Carefree AZ
Bodyworks-Portland, OR
Beaches Resorts-Jamaica
Lake Austin Spa-Austin, TX
Little Rock Athletic Club-Little Rock, AR
Fayetteville Athletic Club-Fayetteville, AR
Quote from one of her participants: "There are these mornings now when my bones feel creaky and the metabolism seems slowed down. But I know after MBE class with Katherine, I'll come out feeling renewed, happy, sweating, and glad to be in this body. Katherine's style and personal grace seem to 'charge' in the room with fun-loving energy. I've told my friends-this is my ticket through menopause." Joy Fox, Activist & Retreat Owner.
Anyone is welcome to email Katherine to learn more about what the class will be like. kshoulders@fayac.com
Any other questions email me Breezy.Osborne@gmail.com or visit the website www.barefootstudio.com
I had the pleasure of taking the MBE class at our Women in Balance Retreat a few years ago, and absolutely fell in love with it! Katherine is a truly amazing person, and her class is incredible! I am SO excited to have her at the studio, and for everyone to experience her class :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Barefoot Studio
3515 Old Cantrell Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72202
Register in person at the studio or by phone.
Hope to see you there!
Love & Hugs,